
anycluster-client api


The AncylusterClient class depends on your map framework.

let anyclusterOpenLayers = new AnyclusterOpenLayers(map, apiUrl, markerFolderPath, settings);
let anyclusterLeaflet = new AnyclusterLeaflet(map, apiUrl, markerFolderPath, settings);
let anyclusterGoogle = new AnyclusterGoogle(apiKey, map, apiUrl, markerFolderPath, settings);


Instatiated map object. Either ol.Map, or google.maps.Map

A string representing the url of your running django project with anycluster installed.

E.g. http://localhost:8080/anycluster/api.

apiKey (google only)
Your google maps apiKey.

A string representing the path to the images anycluster should use to represent clusters on the map.

E.g. /static/anycluster/

settings (optional)
An object representing the settings for the anycluster client.


Available settings:

setting type possible values, example default
srid string EPSG:4326, EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326
kmeansGridSize integer   150
gridGridSize integer   64
clusterMethod string kmeans, grid kmeans
geometryType string viewport, area viewport
area geoJSON   null
iconType string exact, rounded rounded
onFinalClick function    
singlePinImages object
 'stone': '/static/anycluster/pin_stone.png',
 'flower': '/static/anycluster/pin_flower.png'
markerImageSizes object  
     1: [24, 39],
     5: [30, 30],
    10: [30, 30],
    50: [40, 40],
   100: [40, 40],
  1000: [50, 50],
 10000: [60, 60]
gridFillColors object    
gridStrokeColors object    
onGotClusters function    

Hook for what happens when the user clicks on a final marker.

const settings = {
    onFinalClick: function (marker, data) {

Hook for things that should happen after the map has been updated with new clusters. This happens e.g. when the map has been panned or the zoom level changed.

const settings = {
    onFinalClick: function () {
        console.log('got new clusters!')


You can manage the datasets shown on your map by using filters.

filter object

const filter = {
    "column": "DATABASE_COLUMN",
    "operator": "OPERATOR",
    "value" : VALUE,
    "logicalOperator": "LOGICAL_OPERATOR" // optional, only has effect if more than one filter is present
The DATABASE_COLUMN string is the name of the database column this filter should be applied to.
The VALUE of the filter can be of type string, number, bool or Array

The OPERATOR string can be one of the following:

operator description applicable to value types
= equals string, number, bool
!= does not equal string, number, bool
>= larger than or equal to number
<= smaller than or equal to number
startswith string starts with, case insensitive string
contains string contains, case insensitive string
in values equal to one of the list items Array
not in values different from all of the list items Array


The LOGICAL_OPERATOR string can be one of the following:

logical operator description
AND Filters are concatenated using SQL AND
OR Filters are concatenated using SQL OR

The default concatenation method is AND

Filtering methods of AnyclusterClient

filter(filterObject or filterObject[], reloadMarkers boolean)
Applies the given filter to AnyclusterClient. Removes all other filters.
addFilter(filterObject, reloadMarkers boolean)
Adds the given filter to AnyclusterClient if it does not yet exist. Does not remove previously added filters.
removeFilter(filterObject, reloadMarkers boolean)
Removes the given filter from AnyclusterClient if it exists.
addFilters(filterObject[], reloadMarkers boolean)
Adds multiple filters to AnyclusterClient at once. Doesn ot remove previously added filters.
removeFilters(filterObject[], reloadMarkers boolean)
Removes multiple filters to AnyclusterClient at once.
resetFilters(reloadMarkers boolean)
Removes all filters from AnyclusterClient.


  1. Applying one filter and refreshing the map.
let anyclusterLeaflet = new AnyclusterLeaflet(map, apiUrl, markerFolderPath, settings);
const filter = {
    "column": "style",
    "value": "flower",
    "operator": "="

  1. Applying two filters and refreshing the map only after applying the second filter. This equals an AND lookup.
let anyclusterLeaflet = new AnyclusterLeaflet(map, apiUrl, markerFolderPath, settings);
const styleFilter = {
    "column": "style",
    "value": "flower",
    "operator": "="

anyclusterLeaflet.addFilter(styleFilter, false);

const entranceFilter = {
    "column": "free_entrance",
    "value": true,
    "operator": "="

  1. Applying a list filter and refreshing the map. This equals an OR lookup.
let anyclusterLeaflet = new AnyclusterLeaflet(map, apiUrl, markerFolderPath, settings);
const filter = {
    "column": "style",
    "value": ["flower", "stone"],
    "operator": "in"

  1. Applying a logical operator
let anyclusterLeaflet = new AnyclusterLeaflet(map, apiUrl, markerFolderPath, settings);
const filters = [
        "column": "style",
        "value": "flower",,
        "operator": "="
        "column": "style",
        "value": "stone",,
        "operator": "=",
        "logicalOperator": "OR"


Nested Filtering

If the standard filtering options are still not enough and you require more complex queries, you can use nested filters, alongside with logical operators.


let anyclusterLeaflet = new AnyclusterLeaflet(map, apiUrl, markerFolderPath, settings);
const filters = [
        "filters": [
                "column": "style",
                "value": "flower",,
                "operator": "="
                "column": "free_entrance",
                "value": true,
                "operator": "="
        "filters": [
                "column": "style",
                "value": "stone",,
                "operator": "=",
                "column": "free_entrance",
                "value": false,
                "operator": "="
        "logicalOperator": "OR"



You can count the objects which are currently displayed on the map in different ways.


You can count what currently is visible on the map.

let anyclusterLeaflet = new AnyclusterLeaflet(map, apiUrl, markerFolderPath, settings);

const mapContentCount = await anyclusterLeaflet.getMapContentCount();

const count = mapContentCount["count"];

If no modulations are applied, the returned object looks like this:

    "count": 756,
    "modulations": {}


Modulations are like filters, but they are applied only for the current getMapContentCount request. They are not stored in anyclusterClient.filters. You can use simple filters as well as nested filters for modulations.

let anyclusterLeaflet = new AnyclusterLeaflet(map, apiUrl, markerFolderPath, settings);

const modulations = {
    "stone" : {
        "column": "style",
        "value": "stone",
        "operator": "="
    "flower" : {
        "column": "style",
        "value": "flower",
        "operator": "="
    "flowerOrStone" : {
        "filters" : [
                "column": "style",
                "value": "stone",
                "operator": "="
                "column": "style",
                "value": "flower",
                "operator": "=",
                "logicalOperator": "OR"

const mapContentCount = await anyclusterLeaflet.getMapContentCount(modulations);

The returned object looks like this:

    "count" : 756,
    "modulations": {
        "stone": {
            "count": 102
        "flower": {
            "count": 76
        "flowerOrStone": {
            "count": 178

You can query a list of the currently visible contents, grouped by a database column.

let anyclusterLeaflet = new AnyclusterLeaflet(map, apiUrl, markerFolderPath, settings);

const groupBy = "style";
const groupedMapContents = anyclusterLeaflet.getGroupedMapContents(groupBy);

The returned object looks like this:

    "flower": {
        "count": 1773
    "imperial": {
        "count": 1884
    "japanese": {
        "count": 1893
    "other": {

flower, imperial, japanese, other and stone are the occurring values of the column style, which had been applied in the GROUP BY SQL clause.

Getting Content

getMapContents(limit?: number, offset?:number)
Fetches a list of the currently displayed data. By default, model instances with all their fields are returned. You can configure this using a custom serializer with settings.ANYCLUSTER_GIS_MODEL_SERIALIZER.