
Basic Usage


1. Install or download the anycluster-openlayers client


You can install anycluster-openlayers from npm

npm install anycluster-openlayers

js module

Instead of using npm, you also can download and include the anycluster-openlayers client into your static files. Put the files anycluster-openlayers.js and somewhere in your static files.

2. Provide marker images

anycluster requires marker images which will be placed on the map. You can use your own images or download marker images here.

You have to make the marker images accessible by anycluster-openlayers.

If you are using django templates, put the marker images into your static files to make them accessible by anycluster. For example, put all marker images into the folder {somewhere}/static/anycluster/

3. Create a script instantiating AnyclusterOpenLayers


You have to use constrainResolution: true on your ol.View. This ensures that only integer zoom levels are used.

The given example script is for the use-case of the js module in django templates. If you have installed anycluster-openlayers from npm, use import { AnyclusterOpenLayers } from 'anycluster-openlayers';

Important: openlayers uses EPSG:3857 by default, so make sure to adjust the settings passed to AnyclusterOpenLayers accordingly.

import { AnyclusterOpenLayers } from '/static/anycluster-openlayers.js';

const Map = ol.Map;
const TileLayer = ol.layer.Tile;
const OSM = ol.source.OSM;
const View = ol.View;
const fromLonLat = ol.proj.fromLonLat

let map = new Map({
    target: 'map',
    layers: [
        new TileLayer({
            source: new OSM(),
    view: new View({
        center: fromLonLat([10.3, 47.4]),
        zoom: 3,
        minZoom: 3,
        constrainResolution: true,


const settings = {
    srid: 'EPSG:3857',
    onFinalClick: function (marker, data) {

const markerFolderPath = '/static/anycluster/images/';

let anyclusterOpenLayers = new AnyclusterOpenLayers(map, apiUrl, markerFolderPath, settings);

Put the script in the appropriate django template or javascript file.

That’s it. Your OpenLayers map markers are now being clustered!


1. Install or Download the anycluster-leaflet client


You can install anycluster-leaflet from npm

npm install anycluster-leaflet

js module

Instead of using npm, you also can download and include the anycluster-openlayers client into your static files. Put the files anycluster-leaflet.js and somewhere in your static files.

2. Provide marker images

anycluster requires marker images which are placed on the map. You can use your own images or download marker images here.

Put the marker images into your static files to make them accessible by anycluster. For example, put all marker images into the folder {somewhere}/static/anycluster/

3. Create a script instantiating AnyclusterLeaflet


The given example script is for the use-case of the js module in django templates. If you have installed anycluster-leaflet from npm, use import { AnyclusterLeaflet } from 'anycluster-leaflet';

import { AnyclusterLeaflet } from '/static/anycluster-leaflet.js';

let map ='map', {
    center: [47.4, 10.3],
    zoom: 3,
    minZoom: 3,
    worldCopyJump: true,

L.tileLayer('{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
    maxZoom: 19,
    attribution: '&copy; <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a>'


const settings = {
    onFinalClick: function (marker, data) {

const markerFolderPath = '/static/anycluster/images/';

let anyclusterLeaflet = new AnyclusterLeaflet(map, apiUrl, markerFolderPath, settings);

Google Maps

1. Install or download the anycluster-google client


You can install anycluster-google from npm

npm install anycluster-google

js module

Instead of using npm, you also can download and include the anycluster-openlayers client into your static files. Put the files anycluster-google.js and somewhere in your static files.

2. Provide marker images

anycluster requires marker images which are placed on the map. You can use your own images or download marker images here.

Put the marker images into your static files to make them accessible by anycluster. For example, put all marker images into the folder {somewhere}/static/anycluster/

3. Create a script instantiating AnyclusterGoogle


The given example script is for the use-case of the js module in django templates. If you have installed anycluster-google from npm, use import { AnyclusterGoogle } from 'anycluster-google';

import { AnyclusterGoogle } from "/static/anycluster-google.js";

const map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map"), {
    zoom: 3,
    center: { lat: 47.4, lng: 10.3 },

const singlePinImages = {
    'imperial': '/static/anycluster/pin_imperial.png',
    'stone': '/static/anycluster/pin_stone.png',
    'wild': '/static/anycluster/pin_wild.png',
    'japanese': '/static/anycluster/pin_japan.png',
    'flower': '/static/anycluster/pin_flower.png'

const apiUrl = "http://localhost:8080/anycluster/";

const settings = {
    singlePinImages: singlePinImages,
    onFinalClick: function (marker, data) {

const markerFolderPath = '/static/anycluster/images/';

google.maps.event.addListenerOnce(map, 'bounds_changed', function() {
    const anyclusterGoogle = new AnyclusterGoogle('{{ google_maps_api_key }}', map, apiUrl, markerFolderPath, settings);